No Prescription or Medical Evaluation Required to Purchase HCG Diet Drops
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HCG Drops – Original vs Energy Formula

When customers are shopping for quality hcg drops, we frequently get inquiries as to what the difference is between the two formulas that we offer, original vs energy formula. Let me tell you a little bit about them.

The “original” formula has been around since the beginning of DIY HCG, back in 2009. Many people on these drops feel great while they’re on the HCG Diet. They aren’t generally hungry, except for at mealtime, they do have energy, and they feel an overall sense of well-being.

About 5 years later, we came up with our “energy plus” formula which begins with the “original” formula but has Vitamin B12 added. Some of the most significant and positive effects that Vitamin B12 has on the human body are the breaking down of fats and proteins. This helps to increase metabolism and heighten energy levels. This formula is perfect for those participants who do not feel like they have much energy while on the HCG Diet.

Interesting Facts About the 2 Formulas

According to feedback from our customers, both formulas work equally well as far as the amount of weight lost.

The “original” formula is only available with an alcohol base while the “energy plus” formula is available with an alcohol base or with a mineral water base. Alcohol is a natural preservative so if you get either formula with an alcohol base, you do not have to refrigerate the drops during a round. If you get the “energy plus” formula with a mineral water base, you must refrigerate the drops.

You may be wondering why someone would buy drops with a mineral water base because having to refrigerate them in between taking the drops is somewhat of an inconvenience. However, there are multiple reasons why some people cannot have alcohol. This may be due to allergies, addiction, a super sensitive inside of the mouth, etc.

Which Formula do Most People Buy?

As far as popularity is concerned, 60% of our customers purchase the “energy plus” formula while 40% purchase the “original” formula. Out of those customers that purchase the “energy plus” formula, 97% of them purchase drops with an alcohol base while only 3% purchase drops with a mineral water base.

Occasionally, we’ll get a call from a customer who is on the “energy plus” formula saying that they can’t sleep at night because they have too much energy. Please know that they aren’t jittery or anxious as if they had too much caffeine, they're just not tired. The solution is an easy one, simply take the drops earlier in the day. Instead of taking them at 8am, 2pm and 8pm, take them at 8am, 1pm and 6pm.

If you have any questions about DIY HCG Drops, please contact us via Chat, email or phone.
