vs. Both eggs and avocados have had their share of demonizing. During the misguided low-fat craze of the 1990s, trendy restaurants whipped up egg-white omelets, and Mexican restaurants put the guacamole on the naughty side of the beans and rice, where many health-conscious people left [...]
After the birth of my 3rd child, I decided it was time to get back in shape by joining a step aerobics class at the local fitness center. I went in ready to change my figure, step-in-hand. The instructor seemed nice, young, and very energetic. The music started and I very quickly realized not only [...]
It's really easy to get caught up in the minutia of daily life. Holding on to anxieties, grudges, and emotions like fear, anger, and frustration are only going to give you wrinkles and indigestion (and that’s no good). Finding something to improve your outlook when you're feeling low, calm your mind when you're feeling anxious, or simply returning to the [...]
Milk is one of the most convenient ways to add extra protein and calcium to your diet. You can drink it plain, use it on cereal, or create a wide range of shakes and smoothies with it. The only limit to the uses for milk in your diet is your imagination.Milk Varieties If you walk past the milk displays [...]
Several pantry picks can actually outperform common meds. Here's what you need to know:Make muscle pain a memory with gingerWhen Danish researchers asked achy people to jazz up their diets with ginger, it eased muscle and joint pain, swelling and stiffness for up to 63 percent of them within two months. Experts credit ginger’s potent compounds called gingerols, which [...]
Flu season starts in the fall and peaks in January or February. Every year, between 5 and 20 percent of the U.S. population contracts the flu, and about 200,000 people are hospitalized due to complications. The flu can be deadly, and those who are particularly at risk for fatal complications include the elderly, small children, pregnant women, and those [...]
A double chin can be embarrassing for anyone who has it, even if you only have it in pictures! While there aren't really any quick and easy remedies to getting rid of a double chin, you can make sure that you can lessen your double chin or perhaps even eliminate it in photos.Here are the tips to avoid a [...]
Exercise Ball Workouts Who says you need expensive equipment or a lot of space to get in a good strength training workout at home? All you really need is an exercise ball and you'll have a fun, versatile way to strengthen your core muscles for better balance, endurance, and injury prevention. These workouts are easy on the joints and surprisingly [...]
Doodling is the visual equivalent of tapping your pencil on your desk while waiting for a website to load or whistling an aimless tune as you scrub the toilet. Take a look at any of your notes from work meetings or any of your personal notebooks, and you'll likely find all manner of squiggles and lines, circles and boxes, [...]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is no joke and is plaguing more and more people each year as we rely more steadily on typing in our jobs. The carpal tunnel is a passageway that protects your median nerve, which travels from your forearm to the inside of your wrist and into your hands. When the median nerve inside the carpal tunnel [...]