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Negative Effects of Technology on Children

In today’s society, it’s more common to find an electronic device in a home than it is an old fashioned book. In fact, new studies show that the average child in the U.S. spends about 7.4 hours per day looking at a screen, otherwise known as “screen time”. Like many other parents out there, you are probably wondering if you [...] Read More

Tired of Counting HCG Drops in the Mirror?

The HCG Diet has a lot of aspects that can add a degree of difficulty to your day, but, of course, it is all worth it at the end of your round! Man, seeing those inches and pounds drop off each day can help you get through almost anything. Nevertheless, there’s nothing wrong with trying to make things simpler [...] Read More

36 Sneaky Names For Sugars In Your Food

If you’re trying to watch your weight or just be generally healthy, you probably already know that sugars (especially fake, processed, or modified sugars) can wreak havoc on your body. (Just to be clear: We are NOT saying that sugar is evil and should be completely wiped from your diet. If that is your choice, [...] Read More

​Best Low Calorie Cocktails for Maintenance and the Rest of Your Life

You've reached maintenance, don't want to gain the weight back, but still want to be able to enjoy a few libations? Here are some low calorie cocktails to keep you on track for weight loss.Slim 'n Sexy V½ oz. lime juice1 ½ oz. Remy Martin V1 oz. pomegranate juicelime wedge (for garnish)Combine all ingredients in a tall glass of ice and stir. [...] Read More

Become a DIY HCG Before & After Story

Are you proud of your HCG Weight Loss transformation? Share it with the world and inspire others!We use HCG Diet before and after pictures from our customers – not paid professionals. We want to show our potential customers what REAL people think of their HCG experience. That means we need you to give us your personal DIY HCG weight [...] Read More

8 Easy Ways to Get Out of Debt

Living with major debt is one of the most stressful lifestyles possible. A life of too much debt can be a risk-filled life as well. Often, owing money means that you don't have enough for the important things -- medical expenses, children's education, retirement, an emergency fund and so on. You need to do everything you can to get out [...] Read More

Dress it Up…Dress it Down – HCG Salad Dressing Options

Today we’re talking about HCG Diet salad dressing! There are some great options for HCG dressings and HCG marinades that can really dress up your HCG meals.For those of us who prefer to have someone else make our HCG salad dressing for us, there are HCG Simple Girl salad dressings which include Balsamic Vinaigrette, Sweet Vinaigrette, Sweet Mustard and Citrus [...] Read More

5 Myths of Women’s Health After 40

Noticing that first crow's foot or realizing you can no longer do the crossword without reading glasses is a milestone (not a good one, but one none the less) in every woman's life, and it's only the beginning of a lot more to come. There's a lot of good to be said for growing older, though - you're smarter, [...] Read More