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Tipping the Scale – How to Maintain Your New HCG Weight

After the HCG diet, in order to maintain your new weight, any time the scale goes over 2.1 lbs from your last HCG date weight (the last day you took your HCG Diet drops), you should perform a Steak Day (defined below). Another option is that if you see yourself getting close to needing a [...] Read More

25 Words of Encouragement for Children

Kids are ALWAYS listening. If you’ve ever heard or read about psychological studies on what it takes to be a happy, healthy human being, you may already know how important it is for everyone to have encouragement and a positive environment. This is especially true for children.It is imperative that we watch what we [...] Read More

Tonight’s Matchup: The HCG Diet vs. The Master Cleanse

      vs.    In this day and age, people like to do everything fast and losing weight is no different. That’s why people choose diets like the HCG Diet and the Master Cleanse, a.k.a the Lemonade Diet or California Kicker Diet. Both are low calorie diets with the Master Cleanse being a 650-calorie diet and [...] Read More

​The Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Ohio State University was recently published in the Journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity. They did a study gauging the impact that fish oil has on inflammation and anxiety. The study involved 68 first and second year medical students. They gave half the students the omega-3 supplement and the other half placebos. OSU conducted 6 studies [...] Read More

Skin Deep – HCG Diet Personal Care Products

              It is so important to be aware of everything that comes in contact with your skin while on the HCG Diet. Per Dr. Simeons' manuscript, "When no dietary error is elicited we turn to cosmetics. Most women find it hard to believe that fats, oils, creams and ointments applied to [...] Read More

Organic Foods: Are They Safer and More Nutritious than Non-organic?

Buying organic foods is quickly becoming a trend among the growing number of consumers who want to lead a healthier lifestyle. Grocery stores that only sold conventionally grown foods a few short years ago are now embracing natural, organic, and locally grown produce. You can find organic fruits and vegetables right beside their non-organic counterparts [...] Read More

HCG Diet Side Effects Explained: Hair Loss on HCG

First of all, hair loss on HCG is reported much less often with homeopathic HCG than it is with HCG injections/HCG shots. Most people experience some amount of hair loss, noticeable or not, but very few people report seeing major hair loss during the HCG Diet.Hair loss on HCG can happen for one of two [...] Read More

HCG Success Stories: Jill’s HCG Before and After

Here is a great HCG Diet success story from one of our DIY HCG customers, Jill B. Doesn’t she look amazing?!She lost over 58 pounds in 3 rounds of the HCG Diet!Here's a little about Jill's experience with the HCG Diet in her own words:My weight loss journey started almost 6 months ago, back in the middle of September 2010. I [...] Read More

HCG Diet Advice – The Good the Bad and the Ugly

We see so many HCG companies out there talking about the HCG Diet that mislead customers all the time. This is so hard for us to watch and we are always working to make sure good, sound advice is always being put out on the internet and in the publications that we at DIY HCG write and sell. But, [...] Read More