No Prescription or Medical Evaluation Required to Purchase HCG Diet Drops
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Feature Product: Valencia Orange Stevia

Imagine the tang of orange soda pop without the bloating from the carbonation, the calories, or the sugar rush... now you're imagining Valencia Orange All-Natural Stevia Sweetener! This liquid sweetener has the taste of simple orange tanginess without the calories. Use this all natural, zero-calorie stevia sweetener to add a healthy sweetness to your water [...] Read More

Dress it Up…Dress it Down – HCG Salad Dressing Options

Today we’re talking about HCG Diet salad dressing! There are some great options for HCG dressings and HCG marinades that can really dress up your HCG meals.For those of us who prefer to have someone else make our HCG salad dressing for us, there are HCG Simple Girl salad dressings which include Balsamic Vinaigrette, Sweet Vinaigrette, Sweet Mustard and Citrus [...] Read More

Tipping the Scale – How to Maintain Your New HCG Weight

After the HCG diet, in order to maintain your new weight, any time the scale goes over 2.1 lbs from your last HCG date weight (the last day you took your HCG Diet drops), you should perform a Steak Day (defined below). Another option is that if you see yourself getting close to needing a [...] Read More

Skin Deep – HCG Diet Personal Care Products

              It is so important to be aware of everything that comes in contact with your skin while on the HCG Diet. Per Dr. Simeons' manuscript, "When no dietary error is elicited we turn to cosmetics. Most women find it hard to believe that fats, oils, creams and ointments applied to [...] Read More