6 Simple Tips for Success During the 500-Calorie Diet Phase
To get the best possible results, the HCG Protocol needs to be followed exactly, which can seem a little daunting the first time you… Read More
When following the HCG diet, focus on maintaining a very low-calorie intake by prioritizing lean proteins, vegetables, and limited fruits. Stay hydrated and avoid high-intensity exercises, opting for low-impact activities to support weight loss without overexertion. We provide additional tips based on our first-hand experience with the DIY HCG diet.
To get the best possible results, the HCG Protocol needs to be followed exactly, which can seem a little daunting the first time you… Read More
Whether your preferred poison is McDonald's French fries, a mountain of bite-sized Snickers, or a bag of salty chips, indulging a junk food craving is… Read More
You spend around a third of your life at the office and for some, an eight-hour workday could be contributing to poor… Read More
Bacteria generally gets a bad rap but your body is full of helpful bacteria that are essential for keeping you healthy. Probiotics are helpful bacteria… Read More
HCG stands for "Human Chorionic Gonadotropin", which is a hormone that is naturally created, present, and required for each successful pregnancy. HCG is and has… Read More
If you’re trying to watch your weight or just be generally healthy, you probably already know that sugars (especially fake, processed, or modified sugars) can wreak havoc on your body. (Just to be clear: We are NOT saying that sugar is evil and should be completely wiped from your diet. If that is your choice, [...] Read More
Ohio State University was recently published in the Journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity. They did a study gauging the impact that fish oil has on inflammation and anxiety. The study involved 68 first and second year medical students. They gave half the students the omega-3 supplement and the other half placebos. OSU conducted 6 studies [...] Read More
It's easy to get confused about the amount of sleep you really need every night, as you will see conflicting suggestions that look equally credible. So, how much sleep do you require if you're going to be healthy and energetic, and does your activity level influence the number of hours you should aim to get each night? Here's everything you [...] Read More
You’ve had a stressful day. After finishing chores around the house, getting the kids to bed, or putting those finishing touches on your report for work tomorrow, you FINALLY get a chance to sit down and relax. You pour yourself a glass of wine and close your eyes as that smooth, robust taste hits your tongue. It seems as though [...] Read More
If you generally have all of the motivation of a cat licking its paws in a puddle of sunshine, sticking with a weight loss plan for the long haul can be a serious personal challenge - maybe the biggest one ever. Heck, it can be hard even if you're the most motivated person on earth and can talk yourself [...] Read More