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HCG Maintenance Phase

During the HCG Maintenance Phase, participants gradually increase their calorie intake while avoiding sugars and starches, helping to stabilize their weight loss. This phase focuses on reintroducing various foods in controlled portions to establish sustainable eating habits for long-term weight management.

​Adjustments to HCG Dosages During a Cycle

Dr. Simeons' discovery that HCG releases abnormal fat into the bloodstream for use as energy has helped countless people to lose weight. But he found that it may also lead to physiological changes in the body that make weight maintenance easier after a person has successfully completed the HCG Diet. Most people start off with a suggested homeopathic HCG dose of [...] Read More

​Moving On to Maintenance on the HCG Diet

Regardless of how much or how little weight you need to lose, the minimum number of HCG days for the protocol is 23, and the maximum is 40, counting the gorge days. Keep in mind that if you only need to lose five or ten pounds, you'll likely accomplish your goal in the first week or two of the [...] Read More