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Wellness encompasses more than just dieting; it embodies a holistic approach to health that includes physical, mental, and emotional well-being. We share the latest wellness tips to help you be the most successful you can be while completing the HCG protocol.

36 Sneaky Names For Sugars In Your Food

If you’re trying to watch your weight or just be generally healthy, you probably already know that sugars (especially fake, processed, or modified sugars) can wreak havoc on your body. (Just to be clear: We are NOT saying that sugar is evil and should be completely wiped from your diet. If that is your choice, [...] Read More

8 Easy Ways to Get Out of Debt

Living with major debt is one of the most stressful lifestyles possible. A life of too much debt can be a risk-filled life as well. Often, owing money means that you don't have enough for the important things -- medical expenses, children's education, retirement, an emergency fund and so on. You need to do everything you can to get out [...] Read More

5 Myths of Women’s Health After 40

Noticing that first crow's foot or realizing you can no longer do the crossword without reading glasses is a milestone (not a good one, but one none the less) in every woman's life, and it's only the beginning of a lot more to come. There's a lot of good to be said for growing older, though - you're smarter, [...] Read More

25 Words of Encouragement for Children

Kids are ALWAYS listening. If you’ve ever heard or read about psychological studies on what it takes to be a happy, healthy human being, you may already know how important it is for everyone to have encouragement and a positive environment. This is especially true for children.It is imperative that we watch what we [...] Read More

Organic Foods: Are They Safer and More Nutritious than Non-organic?

Buying organic foods is quickly becoming a trend among the growing number of consumers who want to lead a healthier lifestyle. Grocery stores that only sold conventionally grown foods a few short years ago are now embracing natural, organic, and locally grown produce. You can find organic fruits and vegetables right beside their non-organic counterparts [...] Read More

How to Relax – For Real

How to Relax - For RealYou've heard it a million times: When you're stressed out, you should breathe deeply, or count to ten, or imagine fluffy pink bunnies jumping over rainbows, or crack open a bottle of wine. Wait! Scratch that last one. This article isn't about self-medicating your stress away, but it's also not about the "top five best [...] Read More

10 Ways to Invest in Yourself

by Dr. Carmen Harra, clinical psychologist and relationship expertHonestly answer these three questions: When was the last time I did something I loved? What have I done to better myself in the past month? To whom do I listen? You will better understand how your energy is consumed based on your answers. If you feel you deserve more self-care, [...] Read More

10 Surefire Ways to Make your Day Better in 5 minutes

It's really easy to get caught up in the minutia of daily life. Holding on to anxieties, grudges, and emotions like fear, anger, and frustration are only going to give you wrinkles and indigestion (and that’s no good). Finding something to improve your outlook when you're feeling low, calm your mind when you're feeling anxious, or simply returning to the [...] Read More

7 Ways to Avoid the Flu

Flu season starts in the fall and peaks in January or February. Every year, between 5 and 20 percent of the U.S. population contracts the flu, and about 200,000 people are hospitalized due to complications. The flu can be deadly, and those who are particularly at risk for fatal complications include the elderly, small children, pregnant women, and those [...] Read More