There are two types of sweeteners allowed on the HCG Diet: stevia and saccharin. Saccharin has been getting a bad rep for years as an artificial product that potentially causes different health problems and other issues. Saccharin is allowed, but not necessarily recommended. On the other hand, stevia is an all-natural sweetener from South America. It’s toxin free! Yay! We all like that. We chose to sell stevia, not saccharin, to our valued customers for use on phase 2 of the HCG diet. After all, we care about your overall health, and you must too; otherwise, you wouldn’t be on this site today. Note: There are many stevia products coming to market – most have added invalid ingredients, so you must be very careful when selecting a stevia product. The product should not have ANY form of sugar added such as maltodextrin. Use caution in selecting stevia products, we recommend this stevia product.