Melanie's Before and After Pictures

Melanie's Weight Loss Success Story:
As you can see from the above pictures Melanie had amazing weight loss on the HCG Diet, and lost several pounds and inches over her entire body. She experienced total body reshaping, especially in her cheeks, neck, belly, hips, legs, and upper arms. Good job Melanie!
View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!
Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...
“The HCG weight loss program was an answer to many prayers for me! I've dealt with what seemed like the inability to lose weight past a certain level (where my body's set weight point was apparently). After trying diet after diet, workout plan after workout plan, sticking with each a few months only to lose weight for a little bit then get stuck again, having something that actually brought quick and AMAZING results is a Godsend! I lost 20 lbs with my first run of the program, and have kept my weight within the 2 lb gain limit. While on the last few days of this program, my family and I moved and were going through old clothes to get rid of a few things. I found multiple pairs of pants I'd bought and never wore, or had previously (at a lower weight) been able to wear and thought "Hey, might as well try them." I could wear ALL OF THEM — I'd lost 2 pant sizes! I didn't have to worry about buying transitional clothes — good news for me! After 6-7 weeks of being off the serum, I fully intend on doing a 2nd round to finish off the 15-20 lbs I have left to lose. I FULLY stand behind this program because it ACTUALLY works, as long as you stick to the rules — which isn't hard to convince yourself to do once you start seeing results. It's 21 days (or 40-however long you choose to go) of your life, and it's totally worth that small amount of time to make such a huge life change! If you've struggled with the 'eating' part of diets, or have gotten to a certain weight point and have been unable to move past the "barricade", this is perfect for you! Thank GOD for Dr. Simeons —that's all I have to say!" ~Victoria H.
“I have lost 18 lbs in 21 days with HCG. I was very happy that I received my HCG so quickly and even more so when I can see how great DIY HCG really works. :)” ~Kathy
"After years of trying every diet out there I read about the HCG Protocol and decided to try it. I bought the HCG drops and as soon I started the weight started dropping off and I wasn't ever hungry! It doesn't seem like a lot of food to eat but it was. I would definitely do HCG again! ~Hailey
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