Tammi's Before and After Pictures

Tammi's Weight Loss Success Story:
As you can see from the pictures, Tammi lost a dramatic amount of weight and inches with the HCG Diet. She looks much healthier and happier after losing weight. Tammi lost inches over her whole body especially in her neck, arms, waist, hips, and legs. Look how much happier she looks in the second photo! Good job Tammi!
View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!
Read what Jesse and Colleen say about the DIY HCG Diet below...
“HCG has changed my life greatly! The first round of HCG I lost 25 pounds, my second round of HCG I lost 18 pounds, and I am now on my third round of HCG, and it's only been a week, and I have lost 9.8 pounds! I feel way more confident than I used to, and can't believe how much better I feel about myself! I don't dread going places with friends or family anymore! I used to feel so uncomfortable with my weight that I wouldn't be thinking about anything else but that, the whole time I was out! Now, that's not even a worry on my mind! I can relax and have a great time because I feel so much better about myself, while still being conscious of what I am putting in my mouth. My choices are a lot better than they used to be as well. If we go out to eat, instead of choosing the fattiest thing on the menu, I will get a really good salad, or chicken, or steak and vegetables, and usually I will ask for a box right away, cut the portions in half, and keep the rest for later. I cook so much more at home than I used to because I know it's a lot better for me. I have made eating out at restaurants a 'treat' again, instead of an everyday, or every other day, thing. I am so happy with the changes in my life, and I owe a lot of that to DIY HCG! I am so happy there is a company out there that cares enough to offer this great product at a great price for people! They have definitely made a huge impact on my life, for the good, and I refer anyone that I know that wants to lose weight to them. Sorry for the novel, I am just really excited to let people know that this diet really does work if you're willing to put in the work. Thank you DIY HCG from the bottom of my heart!” ~Jesse M.
“HCG has helped my husband more than me. He loses weight easier than me anyway, and this is the first time he has agreed to go on a diet with me.” ~Colleen F.
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