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Tammi's Weight Loss Success Story:

As you can see from the pictures, Tammi lost a dramatic amount of weight and inches with the HCG Diet. She looks much healthier and happier after losing weight. Tammi lost inches over her whole body especially in her neck, arms, waist, hips, and legs. Look how much happier she looks in the second photo! Good job Tammi!

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops

Read what Jesse and Colleen say about the DIY HCG Diet below...

“HCG has changed my life greatly! The first round of HCG I lost 25 pounds, my second round of HCG I lost 18 pounds, and I am now on my third round of HCG, and it's only been a week, and I have lost 9.8 pounds! I feel way more confident than I used to, and can't believe how much better I feel about myself! I don't dread going places with friends or family anymore! I used to feel so uncomfortable with my weight that I wouldn't be thinking about anything else but that, the whole time I was out! Now, that's not even a worry on my mind! I can relax and have a great time because I feel so much better about myself, while still being conscious of what I am putting in my mouth. My choices are a lot better than they used to be as well. If we go out to eat, instead of choosing the fattiest thing on the menu, I will get a really good salad, or chicken, or steak and vegetables, and usually I will ask for a box right away, cut the portions in half, and keep the rest for later. I cook so much more at home than I used to because I know it's a lot better for me. I have made eating out at restaurants a 'treat' again, instead of an everyday, or every other day, thing. I am so happy with the changes in my life, and I owe a lot of that to DIY HCG! I am so happy there is a company out there that cares enough to offer this great product at a great price for people! They have definitely made a huge impact on my life, for the good, and I refer anyone that I know that wants to lose weight to them. Sorry for the novel, I am just really excited to let people know that this diet really does work if you're willing to put in the work. Thank you DIY HCG from the bottom of my heart!”   ~Jesse M. “HCG has helped my husband more than me. He loses weight easier than me anyway, and this is the first time he has agreed to go on a diet with me.”   ~Colleen F.

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Tammi's HCG Diet Before and After Pictures

Tonda's Weight Loss Success Story:

"I have never really been a runner and I try hard at it every year but the weight just didn't allow me to progress very well.  Enter the HCG program and now that I'm 60 lbs lighter I now run faster and longer.  I have competed in four 5k's this year and don't plan on stopping!"

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops

Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

“It works for me”   ~Shirley B. “It has helped me lose weight and remove added sugars from my diet and thereby control my blood sugar.  My overall sense of well-being has improved remarkably.”   ~Christa H. “The diet really works people; try it for yourself and see. You will be happy with the results you get when you follow the diet correctly. The pounds really do shed off.”   ~Nessey H. "I tried several other diets before the HCG Diet and could not lose weight. I heard about the HCG Diet from my mom who did the HCG Diet with pounds and inches and this was much cheaper. I lost almost 40 pounds over 3 months. I loved how easy the diet was and your company did everything I needed for help. THX!!!" “I support the HCG Diet because it has changed my life.  I have struggled for years to lose weight through countless efforts. I have used diet pills, extreme diets, and have spent thousands of dollars on personal trainers and gym memberships.”   ~Breonna W. “Because I have been using it, when you do what the diet says, it works really good. I am planning on going on it again in a week. I loss about 20-30 lbs. on it.”   ~Rebekah R. “It works”   ~Tina O. “It is one of the best weight loss solutions out there. It also gets you into a healthy eating lifestyle. It’s not just a weight loss product, but you learn to eat healthy after the diet."   ~Angelia D. “I tried it, had no problems, and lost weight.”   ~Gayla V. “You will lose the weight when other diets don’t work.”   ~Britney J. “Personal positive experience with HCG last summer!”   ~Mary D. “It is safe and it works!”   ~Cyndi S. “I have taken HCG with great results and eating healthy.   ~Tonia D. “I am physically handicapped and cannot do strenuous exercise. We all know more muscle helps in weight loss. The HCG Diet helped me lose weight for the first time without having the exercise issue.” ~Linda M. I lost 28 lbs. and felt great while I was on the HCG Diet.”   ~Barbara F. “I've had success on the HCG Diet.”   ~Angela L. “I’ve seen the results on people I know and I'm looking to see those same results on me.”   ~Adam F.

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Tonda's Weight Loss Diet Before and After Pictures | HCG Diet Pics

Tonya's Weight Loss Success Story:

  • Start weight: 152 pounds
  • End weight: 113 pounds
  • Total weight lost: 39 pounds
  • Went from a 29% body fat ratio to a 19% body fat ratio
  • Starting pant size: Size 14
  • Ending pant size: Size 4
  • She lost a total of 10 pant sizes with the HCG Diet!

Here's more about Tonya's HCG Diet experience in her own words:

"As an adult, I took to food as a comfort... I used it to help with dealing with all of the ugliness around me.  I grew in size and anger — being angry at myself for gaining weight only led to me eating more, and getting bigger and angrier at myself. I was constantly compared by my family to my siblings who I felt, were perfect in every way.  By the time I was 22, I was a size 14, which doesn't seem that big in the grand scheme of things, but on my 5-foot frame, it was a lot.  I was border-line diabetic, sick all of the time, dealing with chronic joint pain and diagnosed with hypothyroidism.  I was beginning to yoyo between binge eating and extreme dieting, and in between all of this, I got even sicker.  As much extreme dieting as I tried, I never was below a size 10. After several years of this madness, and wanting to have children one day, I finally, at 32, sought help from a Naturepath in my hometown.  She told me about DIYHCG.  I had heard a little about it in the media but was very intimidated by the thought of giving myself shots and of the discipline needed to follow this diet.  She told me about the drops and the website...I ordered it immediately and told myself this would be the last diet I will ever do!  January of 2009, I started DIYHCG.  I followed it to the "T" , never cheated once, and adhered to all of the rules... I found it easy to follow a structured diet.  Seeing results EVERY DAY gave me great encouragement.  In three weeks, I went from 152 lbs and 26% body fat to 121.6 lbs and 19% body fat!  Going from a size 14 to a size 4!  I loved seeing my friends mouths just DROP when they came to see me... I felt that for the first time in my LIFE, I was in control of my weight.  I also know that no matter what, I have the tools and knowledge to maintain my weight and health for the rest of my life! Today, the results of my diet are strong and still dropping mouths everywhere I go...especially with folks I haven't seen in years.  I am now 34, a size 1 - 2, and weigh in at 113 lbs and 18% body fat!  Not only have I KEPT THE WEIGHT OFF, I have learned to love myself, be active, eat healthy with reasonable, and scheduled, indulgence....but more importantly, I no longer am in danger of diabetes, chronic joint pain, illness and my Hypothyroidism has disappeared ALL TOGETHER! Today, I coach friends and family with DIYHCG... I'm there to encourage them and support them as a passion.  I love helping others feel as good about themselves as I feel about myself.  DIYHCG has definitely changed my life. Much Mahalos!"    ~Tonya

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

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Bonnie's Weight Loss Success Story:

  • Total weight loss was 17 lbs in 21 days
  • Starting Dress Size: Size 12
  • Ending Dress Size: Size 6
  • Bonnie says she learned new eating habits from the HCG Diet that taught her what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Bonnie said that she chose DIY because ordering was easy and that we had everything she needed (including stevia, grissini sticks, HCG Diet safe lotion, etc.)
  • She explains that the biggest change in life since she lost weight is when her husband hugs her, his arms can wrap all the way around her body.
  • Bonnie has a message to give to anyone who is unsure about doing the HCG Diet... "Just DO IT!". She says, just do it if you want to keep the weight off you need to teach your body how do lose weight and teach your body how to handle fat in order to maintain your weight loss long term.
  • Bonnie’s parent also did the HCG Diet with success. Her dad lost a lot of weight and her mom also lost around 30 pounds. The HCG Diet helped her dad with mobility and overall health after going through dramatic surgeries.

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops

Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

“I am amazed! I've tried literally every diet and have been successful for periods of time, but I have never felt this good and had such a positive mood as I have while on DIY HCG. I wish I could stay on this all the time. It has just turned my gigantic food cravings around so that I am in control, not my appetite. Every other diet I have had to rely on my will power. It is so nice to relax, and with a little preparation be completely satisfied and sometimes even not wanting all of my allowed food. I still have to prepare meals for my family, even desserts, and I'm not affected. I don't crave what they are having, and I don't feel deprived. In fact, I'm in the best mood I've ever been in while dieting. My husband can't believe it. My kids love to watch these food challenge shows with delicious looking foods and desserts, and I watch with them with no cravings or bad feelings. My mom is doing this with me too and she has struggled on every diet she has been on. She was very skeptical, but agreed to give it a try. She is shocked. She cannot believe her extreme hunger has vanished. I cannot believe how well she has done. I am so grateful to know about DIY HCG.”     ~Michelle M. “Simple, it works. I lost 17 pounds on one round of the homeopathic drops.” ~Vickie N. "I have a very curvy shape, so when I gain weight it is super noticeable. During high school, I slowly started gaining weight and then I did the HCG Diet and lost all the weight I gained, plus about 5 extra pounds. I now look great and I'm not afraid to rock a bikini or self-conscious around my 'skinny' friends. I think the HCG Diet is the best kept secret diet around. I am so glad that I now know the secret in case I start gaining weight again. But I probably won’t because the maintenance plan makes it easy to keep off the weight and teach your body to maintain the lower, healthy weight on the scale. If you are considering doing the HCG drops... do it, you'll love the fast results of weight loss." ~Lyssa R. “I have already told friends where to go to get the HCG drops... of course.” ~Rebecca S. “I don't know how I could express my gratitude any greater. As soon as the weight fell off of me, I was sharing this HCG product, the secrets and have donated my time to mentor, accept calls, and walk people through their HCG Diet Protocol. I am actually looking at myself in the mirror again without crying, my blood pressure medications have ceased and I am healthy. I know that finding HCG added years to my life and I want to help as many people as I can to save their lives also. I am recently divorced and I attended my HS Reunion wearing the same size clothing I wore in High School. I was stoked with excitement to attend, no more dread. I have even bought a passport and though I've gone nowhere yet I know I will. This would not have happened had I not found and succeeded with DIY HCG. THANK YOU.” ~Gail B.

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HCG Success Story Pictures - Bonnie G

Drew's Weight Loss Success Story:

  • Total weight loss of 35 pounds with the HCG Diet
  • Drew's average HCG weight loss was 0.8 pounds a day! (it only took him 40 days to lose 35 pounds).
  • As you can see from the above pictures, he experienced body reshaping in his cheeks, neck, and chest.
  • He plans on doing another round of the HCG Diet to lose even more weight!
"I am really excited to show you these two pictures! The fatter picture is when I weighed 257 pounds. Now I weigh only 222 pounds. This was all done in a matter of 40 days on the DIY HCG Program. I even had three days that I couldn't follow the diet exactly because my grandfather died and I was on the road. I am extremely pleased with the program and I am going to do it again after I get back from my honeymoon. Thanks!"    ~Drew F.

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops

Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

“Since 1994, when I had chemotherapy for breast cancer, I've been carrying 20 ugly pounds that I put on due to the chemo. Nothing, neither diet, exercise, nor starvation would move it. It was like my weight loss genetic code had been changed. Until chemo, I'd been a size 10. After chemo, became a size 16. At 5'2” I was definitely overweight. When I heard about HCG, I doubted it would help me but agreed to research it for my friend who was taking the injections. That’s when I discovered DIY HCG. I thought "Why not? It's safe and it's homeopathic. It can't hurt me." During the Christmas holidays, I slipped into my new size 10 petite pants and looked at myself in the mirror. There I stood. I'd lost the 20 pounds and the toxins from the chemo. And, my body had changed. I no longer was craving carbohydrates and starving all the time. I was back to me, the me before cancer.”    ~Jackie S. “I am a 45 year old who has stayed pretty active and fairly fit all my life. Over the past few years though I had gained 10-15 pounds or so that I have had a hard time getting rid of...and I am even a runner. Have run ½ marathons and even a full marathon within the past 2 years. I have lost my 14 pounds with HCG, and am thrilled at WHERE I have lost it. Typically I would try to lose inches or weight by starting a running training plan for an event. I would lose in my hips and butt, but was not seeing any differences anywhere else. HCG has taken a little off all over so that my shirts and pants fit better. I have lost in my waist which has otherwise been very difficult. I do have a child who is very overweight and look forward to working with her on this diet after she has her baby this summer.”    ~Maureen B.

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Weight Loss Before and After Stories - Drew F

Cindy's Weight Loss Success Story:

  • Cindy lost a total of 30 pounds in only 6 weeks while on Phase 2 of the HCG Diet.
  • She describes her experience with the HCG Diet as amazing and stated that the HCG Diet caused her body to re-sculpture and she feels physically and mentally better.
  • Before the HCG Diet Cindy was experiencing a lot of foot pain, but after losing weight with the HCG Diet her foot pain is gone.
  • Cindy explains that she has battled with being overweight since she was 5 years old, but with the HCG Diet she was able to lose the weight and has been able to maintain her weight loss during Phase 3 of the HCG Diet with ease. Cindy says she was most ecstatic about how the HCG Diet caused her body to totally re-sculpture to a body shape she had not seen in years.
  • She personally loves the HCG Diet, and everyone who she has shared the HCG Diet with also has lost weight and began to love the HCG Diet too. Talk about sharing love for the HCG Diet and awesome weight loss!

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

Weight Loss Products

Read what Dinah, Mikael and Margie said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

“I've kind of already talked about this. But, I was a fat baby, fat kid, fat teenager, and fat adult. I have tried many diets and would lose 20 pounds but within a period of time I would regain the weight. I have told people I've lost 200 pounds, but that's over my life span. Losing a pound a day gives me hope of taking all 40 pounds off finally. Resetting my metabolism makes sense and that's what I need to do-to keep the weight off. I feel successful at using the HCG and keeping the protocol, and I feel hopeful that I will reach my goal and stay there.”          ~Dinah S. "This diet helped me lose weight last year and I have been able to keep the weight off so far. Before this diet I had a fat face and a round belly, but now my face has slimmed down a bit and my pants are loose. I lost a little over 20 pounds in the time on this diet, the food was a little boring and bland but when you're losing weight so fast, who cares? I'm so happy I found this diet. My sister is the one who told be about this diet and this company and she lost a lot of weight too. Our whole family is getting thinner with HCG."     ~Mikael S. “It has given me hope of being the thin person I have always wanted to be. I have done them all, and HCG is the only thing I have found that works long term. I had said for years that if I could just figure out how to simulate pregnancy, I could be a thin person, b/c it is the only time I have a metabolism. I finally whined to the right person, and they told me about HCG!”          ~Margie R.

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HCG Diet Before and After - Cindy C

Alicia's Weight Loss Success Story:

  • Total weight loss of 143 pounds on the HCG Diet!
  • During her first round of HCG she lost over 40 pounds!
  • Losing the weight has helped Alicia be more happy, healthy, active, and confidant!
Read Alicia's letter about her HCG weight loss success below: "Hello!  My name is Alicia K. My step mother and father told me about the HCG Diet two years ago. I told my father "go ahead and starve yourself!"  I saw him a month later and he looked fantastic and said he felt great!  I decided, after struggling with my weight my whole life, to give HCG a try!  I weighed (at my worst) 285 lbs. I did one round of the HCG and lost over 40 lbs!  It was a life style change! After I lost the first 40 I was encouraged and motivated to lose more!  It has been over a year and a half. I have went from 285 to today 142 — I lost half my weight!  I owe this to DIY HCG!!! I am now in super health, active, confidant, and proud!  I have maintained (kept off) this weight due to the changes the HCG Diet helped me set!! I couldn't be happier!!  Thank you so much!!  I have attached a photo, for you must see to believe! Anyone that has asked me how I did it, I always tell was due to DIY HCG!!" ~Alicia K.

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

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HCG Diet Before and After Pictures - Alicia K

Melanie's Weight Loss Success Story:

As you can see from the above pictures Melanie had amazing weight loss on the HCG Diet, and lost several pounds and inches over her entire body. She experienced total body reshaping, especially in her cheeks, neck, belly, hips, legs, and upper arms. Good job Melanie!

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops

Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

“The HCG weight loss program was an answer to many prayers for me! I've dealt with what seemed like the inability to lose weight past a certain level (where my body's set weight point was apparently). After trying diet after diet, workout plan after workout plan, sticking with each a few months only to lose weight for a little bit then get stuck again, having something that actually brought quick and AMAZING results is a Godsend! I lost 20 lbs with my first run of the program, and have kept my weight within the 2 lb gain limit. While on the last few days of this program, my family and I moved and were going through old clothes to get rid of a few things. I found multiple pairs of pants I'd bought and never wore, or had previously (at a lower weight) been able to wear and thought "Hey, might as well try them." I could wear ALL OF THEM — I'd lost 2 pant sizes! I didn't have to worry about buying transitional clothes — good news for me! After 6-7 weeks of being off the serum, I fully intend on doing a 2nd round to finish off the 15-20 lbs I have left to lose. I FULLY stand behind this program because it ACTUALLY works, as long as you stick to the rules — which isn't hard to convince yourself to do once you start seeing results. It's 21 days (or 40-however long you choose to go) of your life, and it's totally worth that small amount of time to make such a huge life change! If you've struggled with the 'eating' part of diets, or have gotten to a certain weight point and have been unable to move past the "barricade", this is perfect for you! Thank GOD for Dr. Simeons —that's all I have to say!"    ~Victoria H. “I have lost 18 lbs in 21 days with HCG. I was very happy that I received my HCG so quickly and even more so when I can see how great DIY HCG really works. :)”    ~Kathy "After years of trying every diet out there I read about the HCG Protocol and decided to try it. I bought the HCG drops and as soon I started the weight started dropping off and I wasn't ever hungry! It doesn't seem like a lot of food to eat but it was. I would definitely do HCG again!    ~Hailey

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Melanie R.'s HCG Diet Pictures | Weight Loss Before and After
Doesn't she look great! As you can tell from the photos, losing 39 pounds made a huge difference in Amy's overall appearance. From the photos, you can see that Amy experienced total body reshaping by losing weight in her cheeks, neck, arms, chest, and stomach. Congratulations Amy — losing 39 pounds is a GREAT accomplishment!

Amy’s Weight Loss Success Story:

  • Amy lost 39 pounds with the DIY HCG Diet.
  • Start weight: 223 pounds
  • End weight: 184 pounds
  • Amy has found a new confidence after losing weight.
  • She said that the DIY HCG Diet has helped her so much in her weight loss journey.
  • Amy stated that she has tried Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, and several dieting pills without success, but with the DIY HCG Diet she finally found a weight loss method that worked for her.
  • Amy says that the DIY HCG Diet was a big commitment at first, but once she started losing weight, it became easier.
  • Whenever Amy was worried or needed help she would call the DIY HCG customer service line and was able to get the help she needed to continue losing weight.
Thanks for sharing your HCG Diet before and after pictures with us, you look great Amy!

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After  Pictures) HERE!

  Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops  

Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

“I changed my pear shape body, which was very disproportionate, to a balanced body with HCG. I fought all my life with this and the cruelty of people's comments. Now people look at my body and tell me I look amazing... beautiful. It restored my ability to love my body and myself that had been stripped away.”  ~Gina M. “HCG in general has changed the way I look at dieting and losing weight. It's unbelievable to me that more people don't know about it, especially those that are struggling to lose mass amounts of weight for their health and to save their lives.”    ~Kaitlyn A. “I have lost weight and gotten healthy with HCG. Learned to love Apple cider vinegar and don't like those thick sugar dressings anymore. I will always use the dressing even after HCG. This is the one stop shop, all you need for HCG. Thanks so much.”  ~Dawn M. “It works!!!”  ~Peggy F. “I used it and it worked. First diet program that has ever worked.”  ~Richard L. “It's the ONLY diet that actually worked for me! I lost 40 pounds 3 years ago & have kept ALL of it off. I just turned 50 this month, I am menopausal, AND I quit smoking more than a year ago and STILL the weight is off because I live by Dr. Simeon's Pounds and Inches book.”  ~Patricia M. "I've tried it; know the effects of it and nothing works better.”  ~Tracy V. “I have been yo-yo dieting for years! Following the regimen with HCG changed my life! I now eat smaller portions.”  ~Beth B.

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Weight Loss Before and After Pictures - Amy K

Jill's Weight Loss Success Story:

  • Start weight was 164.2 pounds
  • End weight was 148.0 pounds
  • Jill had a total weight loss of 16.2 pounds
  • She lost a total of 28.5 inches over her entire body.
Here's what Jill had to say about her experience with the HCG Diet: “For the record, in the before picture I was NOT pushing my stomach out! However, it was taken on the evening of the second HCG gorge day, so I was really full.” After seeing my HCG before and after pictures myself, I really shouldn’t complain! I was a good girl and didn’t look at the before pictures until this morning; after taking the after pictures and I was so surprised!... Things I am really happy about: my arms, waist, and face! Things I would like to see change more in the future: my love handles/back/hiney (aka butt), but I think some yoga mixed with some cardio will do the trick on these. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m actually excited to start working out again! I really haven’t since before my wedding last summer and am feeling ready to get going! (Although I think I’ll be waiting until the second three weeks of HCG P3 to add this in.) Not too shabby for a 23-day round of HCG!”    ~Jill C. Jill also recorded her day-to-day experience with the DIY HCG Diet in this amazing blog... Jill's HCG Diet Journey. In her blog, she will show you how a life in the day of the HCG Dieter really is. She will also share several HCG Diet tips, tricks, and recipes along the way. Join Jill in her HCG Diet journey by clicking here.

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops

Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

“It works”      ~Terri B. "This diet is amazing. I lost 23 pounds in a quick round before a vacation so I would look better on the beach. It was easy to follow along with the little book then send out in your package. The food list is simple and it's easy to memorize and go grocery shopping. The hardest part for me was not going out to eat with friends, but it only lasted a month. And then when my friends did finally see me, they were impressed with how I looked. So it was worth the wait."    ~Steven R. “It works when other diets have not. Health improved, energy increased.”    ~Dona M.

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Weight Loss Before and After Pictures - Jill C